We learn, we smile, we live, we dream - Together

We Learn
We aim to develop curious, reflective and resilient learners who take risks and embrace challenges.
We Smile
We aim to create a fun, pupil-influenced and inclusive learning environment that nurtures the well-being of everyone and celebrates success.
We Live
We aim to develop ethically informed learners who play a full part in Sully, as their local community, and understand their place in Wales and the wider world.
We Dream
We aim to develop resourceful, creative, lifelong learners who aspire to be the best they can be in a changing world.

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Click below to see our most recent Newsletter!

This week's attendance winners are:

In the Foundation Phase
Mrs Boyle's Y1 Class 88%
In KS2
Mrs William's Y5 Class 95%
School Overall
Our Target is 96.1%... 78%

Coming up soon....

Please note date is BELOW event