Our Governing Body 2023-24

The school has a board of governors comprised of representatives of the L.A., the county district and community councils, teaching staff, non-teaching staff, parents and co-opted members from the local community.

The governing body provides strategic leadership and accountability for our school. Its main functions are: overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure money is well spent, holding the headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils, ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction.

They are actively involved with the organisation and running of the school and thus have close links with the headteacher and school. They monitor and evaluate the progress the school is making and act as a source of challenge and support to the headteacher.

Vale of Glamorgan L.A. Representatives:  Mrs Ceri Hooper, Mr Danny Williams, Ms Alice Eardley and Cllr Wendy Gilligan

Parent Representatives: Mr Leon Patnett, Ms Vikki Evans (Vice Chair), Mr Andrew Walters, Mrs Sarah Brooks, Mrs Ceri Burrows

Teacher Representatives: Miss Shelley Harries, Miss Evie Spencer

Staff Representative: Mrs Louise Barlow

Community Representatives:  Mrs Jean Bispham, Mr John Rogers, Dr Marianne Sullivan, PCSO Leanne Williams

Minor Authority Representative: Mrs Vicki Judd (Chair)

Clerk to the Governors: Mrs Alison Game

Headteacher: Andrea Waddington



Finance and General Purposes Committee, including Finance, Premises/Health and Safety (Non-Statutory)

Andrea Waddington

Jean Bispham

Shelley Harries

John Rogers

Louise Barlow

Andrew Walters

Staffing Committee (Personnel) (Non-Statutory)

Andrea Waddington

Vicki Judd

Vikki Evans

Andrew Walters

Katie Lee

Danny Williams

Curriculum Committee (Non-Statutory)

Andrea Waddington

Leon Patnett

Ceri Burrows

Alice Eardley

Louise Barlow

Vicki Judd

Staff Disciplinary and Dismissals Committee (Statutory)

Vicki Judd

Leon Patnett

Ceri Hooper

Staff Disciplinary and Dismissals Appeals Committee (Statutory)

Andrew Walters

Vikki Evans

Katie Lee

Pupil Discipline and Dismissals Committee (Statutory)

Vicki Judd

Ceri Hooper

Katie Lee

Complaints/Staff Grievance Committee (Non-Statutory)

Vikki Evans

Marianne Sullivan

Jean Bispham

Grievance Appeals Committee (Non-Statutory)

Vicki Judd

Leon Patnett

Andrew Walters

Pay Review Committee

Vicki Judd

Marianne Sullivan

Katie Lee

Pay Review Appeals Committee

Vikki Evans

Katie Lee

Danny Williams

Headteacher’s Performance Review Group

Vikki Evans

Marianne Sullivan

Vicki Judd

Link Governors

Humanities: Ceri Hooper

Expressive Arts: Marianne Sullivan

Maths & Numeracy: Andrew Walters

Science & Technology: Vacancy

Language & Literacy: Alice Eardley

Health & Wellbeing: Leon Patnett

ALN: Vicki Evans

Safeguarding: Ceri Hooper

Reserves for Appeals Committees

Any available governor who has not served on the committee which dealt with the original matter to which the appeal relates.