More Able and Talented Pupils
In Wales the term ‘More Able & Talented’ encompasses approximately 20% of the total school population, and is used to describe pupils who require enriched and extended opportunities across the curriculum in order to develop their abilities in one or more areas.
The term ‘more able and talented’ includes learners who are more able across subjects within the curriculum as well as those who show talent in one or more specific areas, which could include practical, creative and social fields of human activity.
Academic More Able
These are the top 20% of your class. This group may look very different to your previous group of More Able children as it varies from cohort to cohort. Also, some children may be More Able in Mathematics while others are More Able in Literacy. Those children who achieve standardised scores of 130+ are regarded as ‘gifted’ children.
Interpersonal More Able
These are children who display exceptional skills and attributes in their interpersonal skills. They may be good leaders, organisers, problem solvers etc.
Creative More Able
These children show aptitudes in creative subjects. They made be good artists, musicians, designers etc.
Physical More Able
These are children who are talented physically. These children must perform above just attending a sporting group. Examples include, playing for a County team.
Sully Primary school seeks to create a climate/ethos where the achievements of all are valued and success is celebrated. We aim to provide an appropriately challenging and stimulating curriculum for all pupils while recognising those identified as more able and talented. We believe all pupils should be encouraged to develop their attributes, skills and potential within a learning environment that embraces equality of opportunity and provision. Abilities and talents will emerge in a wide range of subjects and fields. It is important to develop the whole pupil. At Sully Primary School we are fully aware that schools and individuals thrive in a culture of ambition and aspiration as such we recognise and support the needs of those children in our school who have been identified as ‘more able’ and/or ‘talented’ according to national guidelines.
Our aims are:
- To make early identification of our more able and talented pupils;
- To recognise and meet the whole pupil’s needs;
- To enable children to develop their full potential by addressing specific skills and talents;
- To widen opportunities and expectations for all pupils by extending teaching and learning skills;
- To celebrate the continued development of the school as a learning community.