Attending: Vicki Judd, Katie Armitage, Liz Britten, Mrs Sawart Asfi, Mrs Waddington

VJ recapped that during the meeting of 21st March there were no attendees and no matters brought to discuss.

VJ welcomed new members and explained purpose, opened the forum.

  • School photos, did we find out whether there had been a drop in commission? AW checked with office staff.  Details to follow.
  • VJ mentioned on the parent WhatsApp group parking and the voluntary one-way system had been discussed due to increasing bottlenecks in particular Minehead entrance side. VJ had raised with the community council and local PCSO.  In order to make it a permanent feature during school drop off and collections time it would be a decision for the Vale of Glamorgan Council.  Discussion on how we try to combat by informing parents, children patrolling with PCSO.  Discussed possibility of a drop off zone.  Waddington to liaise with VoG contact and report back, VJ mentioned should we not be able to do anything formal maybe the children designing their own map of the one-way system and distributing it may be impactful.  Educating the children will help them educate those dropping them off.  [See Attached update following Vog enquiries and their response]
  • LB asked about the provision for a quiet zone in the playground for children who may need to decompress or may be overwhelmed by playground activities. AW confirmed that the sheds had been replaced and a competition ongoing to create signs for them. They will have different purposes such as a friendship shed, reading shed etc  VJ mentioned that the PTA have looked into the suggestion of a “Lego wall” which could be another activity for those needing focus.  AW will look into this idea and look into costings.
  • Sports Day timings – will be announced in this week’s newsletter but likely afternoon to allow ground to dry with the exception of morning nursey.
  • Improved communication needed in change of PE days. Year 3 had quite a few changes and communication wasn’t clear.  Whilst the reasons for change were appreciated (outside agencies and variety of sporting activities) agreed that communication could have been improved.  Discussed a number of different communication apps used by other schools such as Marvelous Me and School Gateway.  We have signed up to ParentPay and on the whole communication has vastly improved since its introduction.  AW will look into the others but it may be that we can just utilise other branches of parent pay.
  • Can Year 6 wear hoodies all the time now. AW to clarify with Year 6 teachers
  • Afternoon snacks, children coming home hungry. With us adopting the new curriculum and the amount of outdoor learning opportunities, we long longer have afternoon breaks and therefore no opportunity for an afternoon snack.
  • Is the year 6 leavers date known – discussion with DJ Year 6 teacher agreed 19th Brief discussion that there will be a change in format to celebrate all children.

From: Simpson Mark
Sent: 25 May 2022 11:07
To: awaddington

Subject: RE: Voluntary One-way system – Sully – your comments please


Good morning Andrea,

I have been asked by Karen Stokes to reply to you directly, as your query ostensibly relates to my area.

At first glance, one-way schemes may appear to be advantageous but due to the absence of opposing vehicles, traffic speeds can substantially increase a situation which would be unacceptable outside a school, irrespective of the presence of the existing traffic calming features.

A one-way system would have a detrimental effect on the immediate surrounding area. Diverted traffic would be obliged to use alternative adjacent streets and the extra flow generated would be unacceptable to residents of those streets.

A traffic regulation order (TRO) would be required, which would inevitably generate objections from residents who would be inconvenienced by such a scheme that would be in operation 24/7, to deal with localised parental congestion for what is possibly no more than 40 minutes per day (morning / afternoon pick up and drop off). Also, extensive illuminated signing would also be required and this would add further considerable costs to such a proposal.

The most recent available road traffic collision records provided by the Police, for the three-year period up to the 25th June 2021 indicates that there have been none in Minehead Avenue, or Burnham Avenue, indicating that a reasonable level of road safety pertains.

I would add that South Wales Police would be required to enforce the (TRO) and, due to the necessary staffing levels required, along with their existing workloads and local policing priorities, they would be unlikely to support such a proposal without proven highway safety implications (poor history of road traffic collisions).

While I do appreciate the difficulties that can occur on occasions; this unfortunately, is the case in many streets which are in close proximity to a school. The findings above do not therefore appear to show that there is a pressing requirement to make further road safety provision at this time.

What the school should have, or could develop if they don’t, is a travel plan. This document sets out how the school will promote safer, active and sustainable travel to schools e.g. walking, cycling and public transport, with the main emphasis on reducing the number of children being driven to school. This is something that Karen would be able to help with and provide you with guidance and support should you wish to develop one, or revisit an existing one.

I’m sorry that I not able to provide more immediate assistance, but I hope the aforementioned is of some assistance.

Kind regards,

Mark Simpson

Principal Engineer – Traffic and Road Safety / Cynorthwyydd Peirianneg/Uwch Gynorthwyydd Peirianneg

Visible Services / Gwasanaethau Gweledig

Vale of Glamorgan Council / Cyngor Bro Morgannwg