

Present – Vicky Judd, Shelley Harries, Carlie Williams, Eni Hansen-Magnusson



  • School Meals

Some parents have been concerned about the quantity of food. Portion size seems to be the main concern, particularly related to baguettes this week. School explained the choices available at lunchtime. Also explained that this week extra-large baguettes had been delivered to school. Kitchen staff had cut them in half to create baguettes the same size as usual baguettes.

Parents have not raised concerns about the quality of the food.

Allergies were also mentioned, and concerns were raised about pupils not being aware of which desserts are suitable for them to choose.

Some year groups raised concerns about the choice of desserts lessened if they were the last year group to come in for dinners.

Some pupils mentioned that there was no spread in the baguettes.

Some pupils feel rushed to eat their food particularly at the end of food service.

School have invited members of the parent forum into school to experience the lunch service for themselves.

Packed lunches – parents asked if we could remind pupils about healthy lunch boxes.


  • Heart of the Community work

SH discussed the Heart of the Community Award work that they are doing with our School Improvement Group schools. The aim being to increase involvement with/from families and the local community. Ideas discussed included:

Community Council – the council are currently working on biodiversity within the village. Is this something that the school could become involved in? VJ will discuss in next council meeting.

Intergenerational work – School would like to develop an intergenerational project with members of the local community. This would involve sharing of skills between members of the local community and pupils.

Careers Week – The school would like to plan a Careers Week.  The plan is to invite parents into school to share details of their occupations with the children.

Uniform Pod – The Uniform Pod has been fairly poorly attended to date with the exception of the Christmas Jumper sale. Discussions followed about how to promote this initiative. Going forward, consider having uniform out for things like open afternoons and at key times e.g. just before Easter. The school will encourage parents to contact them if they need uniforms outside of these times.

Meet the Teacher evenings – Parents talked about possible Meet the Teacher sessions so that parents have the opportunity to meet staff and visit the classroom setting at the beginning of the academic year.


  • Parents Evenings – The school asked if parents would prefer to still have the option of a virtual appointment this year. Parent Forum representatives did not have a strong feeling either way.


  • Comments from parents

Open Afternoons – Parents raised the point that the open afternoons were after the parent-teacher meetings. They would prefer to have open afternoons just before parents evening so that they have just seen the work in books before meeting teachers.

Strike Action – a parent asked if the school will be closed for strike action. School informed parents that as soon as further information is received we will contact parents/carers.

Communication – Parents raised concerns that some things are not being communicated clearly. Some things are not being put onto the online calendar. Pupils are not reliable with bringing messages home. Can the school make sure that messages are sent through in advance e.g. needing a costume for an event.

P.E. – One parent has raised the issue about their child’s class not doing P.E. twice per week.

Christmas production – there were some positive comments about the school performance and parents thanked staff for their work. Others mentioned the issues with ticket sales and were disappointed that e.g. grandparents couldn’t come to see the last production. Suggestions for future included – allocate each family a ticket for each performance and let parents swap tickets amongst themselves, hiring an alternative venue, having different year groups at different times of the year.

Year 4 Toilet – a parent questioned the Year 4 pupil’s ability to access the toilet during the school day. The school explained that pupils are allowed to go to the toilet whenever they need to and that the class teacher encourages them to go in pairs.

Twitter – Parents mentioned the inconsistent use of twitter across the school. Parents asked if all teachers can post regularly so that we can celebrate what all year groups are doing.

Use of sheds on PS3 playground – a parent questioned the use of the sheds in the older playground. The school explained that the use of the sheds, table tennis tables and outdoor gym has been timetabled for one year group to use each per week. The parent mentioned that her child was disappointed as they looked forward to reading in the shed every week.

ICT access – A parent raised a concern about ICT access following an incident where an inappropriate song had appeared on a school device. School explained that ICT access is controlled by the LEA and all e-safety incidents and concerns were reported directly to them. The school will look into this concern.

Parking – Further concerns were raised about parking around the school at drop off and pick up times. This is an ongoing issue and the school are attempting to police the issue with extra members of staff patrolling outdoors at these times.


  • Date of next meeting – 23/03/23


  • Suggested agenda items – Community Involvement

Reports – look at report templates

School lunch feedback