Present – Vicki Judd, Katie Armitage, Carlie Williams, Katrina Walters, Amy Hoddinott, Mr and Mrs Bajpai, Andrea Waddington, Shelley Harries
Agenda –
- School Reports – parents did not like the format of the reports last year but preferred the report format from the previous academic year. Some parents felt that the reports did not give them any indication about where their child was academically and how they could support them to make progress.
- Estyn – the school shared the report from the recent Estyn inspection and the actions underway to address the recommendations. These action plans have been shared on the school website.
- Parents thanked staff for the hard work during the inspection and congratulated them on a great report.
- Pop-up uniform pod – parents are really enthusiastic about this venture. Parents suggested including costumes etc at various points during the year.
- Clubs – parents wanted more information about resources that the children need for different lunchtime clubs, particularly sports clubs.
- Quiet area in the playground – a parent asked if there was a quiet space on the playground. School explained a quiet area has been established in the upper playground and that this would be considered for the lower playground.
- Lego wall – This was discussed as a parent had seen this in another school and pupils really enjoyed using the wall. The school explained that they had looked for a lego wall but were unable to find one. Discussions followed about the possibility of making a lego wall using base boards stuck onto wood.
- Playtime toys – A parent talked about having boxes of different toys on the playground for children to access during play and lunchtimes. This would give pupils more choice during these times and would provide a focus for play.
- Playground buddies – A parent asked if Playground Buddies existed within the school. The school explained that Year 3 currently act as playground buddies on the lower playground and that Year 6 would soon be taking on this role.
- Parent reading volunteers – A parent asked if we have volunteers who come into school to listen to children reading. The school explained that yes, we do have reading volunteers but are always looking for more. This would be included in the school newsletter over the coming weeks.
- School trips – parents asked if school trips are always on the same day as this has sometimes seemed the case. School explained that this was likely just a coincidence. Parents also questioned the seasonality of school trips e.g. visiting Techniquest in the winter would be better and St Fagans in the summer.
- Parents evening – parents asked if teachers had a set criteria of things that they needed to share with parents as some felt that they had come away with no new information following the meeting. School explained that teachers do have a list of things that need to be discussed although this can differ between years e.g. there would be less ‘data measures’ for younger pupils.