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Our group aims to train Digital Leaders and e-safety leads in each classroom who will support their peers and teachers when using technology.  They promote safe and responsible use of the internet, devices and resources, ensuring that we stay safe online and treat others with the respect they deserve.



Our Criw Cymraeg plays an important role in promoting Welsh and raising the profile of the Welsh language across the school in a fun way. Our team is made up of learners from Years 2 – 6 who meet once a month to think of innovative ways to champion Welsh throughout Sully School such as designing posters, organising Welsh games on the yard and establishing a reward scheme to encourage more children to use Welsh both inside and outside the classroom. 

Our Criw Cymraeg also consists of a small group of Ambassadors who meet weekly to plan and deliver a phrase of the week for the whole school. They will also play a pivotal role in helping us achieve the bronze award of the Cymraeg Campus initiative promoted by the Welsh Government and The Central South Wales Consortium.


Our rationale is to try to save the planet in any way we can, including teaching others about eco issues and how to help.  We will try to act responsibly and think of the planet in school and at home so that we all become more eco aware.  We also try to actively improve our environment for plants, animals and people.

Our job description is to:

  • Organise the recycling in the school. We recycle paper, card, plastic, toothbrushes, crisp packets, batteries and glass. 
  • Reduce our waste in school by picking up litter, turning off lights and monitoring that others do it too!
  • Give assemblies, make posters and tweet so that others know more about eco issues and how to help our environment
  • Actively make our world a better place by working with the community on mini projects


Our role is to ensure that all the children in Sully Primary School are engaged in an exciting and interesting curriculum within a challenging and fun learning environment.

Curriculum Cadets want to ensure that the pupils in Sully Primary School are given the opportunity to make decisions abut their learning experiences.


The purpose of this group is to ensure that all children are encouraged to be healthy and have an opportunity to be active during the school day.

We will do this by encouraging children to bring in a healthy school lunch and also by educating them to make sensible food choices at home. Also by ensuring that children are bringing in a healthy fruit snack at playtime.

We are also hoping to provide all children with some form of activity or exercise every day.  This may be a PE lesson or a 10 minute high intensity exercise at some time during the school day.


As Wellbeing Warriors, we want to make our school a happy, caring place.  We aim to help pupils feel good about themselves by thinking of ways to promote wellbeing throughout the school.  We are going to look at how we could use mindfulness techniques in the classroom and ways to share our worries.

Action Plan:

  • Create a logo and a mascot
  • Encourage classes to try healthy foods
  • Learn some mindfulness techniques
  • Teach other children mindfulness techniques
  • Daily mindfulness activities after lunch
  • Learn some yoga techniques
  • Teach other children about yoga and tai chi
  • Ask for a running track to be painted on the yard
  • Re-introduce 10 minute daily mile/ daily activity / exercise / Go Noodle – every class to have a timetable for the days they don’t have PE
  • School trips


We are a group of enthusiastic and caring pupils who love learning about our world. Our aim is to help everyone at Sully Primary to learn more about the world around them. We will organise special events so that everyone can learn more about life in other countries. This may include trying new foods, celebrating different festivals and communicating with children in schools all around the world. We know how important it is to appreciate and value different cultures and beliefs and we will try our best to help pupils at Sully Primary to have as many opportunities to experience different cultures as possible.

Some of the international activities at Sully Primary this year include:                                                  

  • An international languages project with our partner schools in Italy and Portugal.
  • A partnership project with our new partner school in Nepal about reducing waste.
  • A visit from teachers at our partner school Tangalle Primary in Sri Lanka.
  • A special China Week to celebrate Chinese New Year.
  • International Languages Week to encourage others to experience a new language.


Our names are Oliver and Katie and we are Sully Primary School’s Super Ambassadors.

Our job is to make sure that every child in our school knows about the United Nation Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC).


  • Inform other pupils in our school about the Children’s Commissioner for Wales and her powers.
  • Make sure our friends, teachers and parents know about children’s rights under the UNCRC.
  • Do special missions for the Commissioner in Sully Primary School – these have a real impact on children’s rights in our school and right across Wales.

Did you know that every child in Wales is protected and supported by 42 UNCRC rights?

In our school we are learning about each of these rights but at the moment we are concentrating on:


Our aims are:

  • To be aware of all our Values in Sully School and to promote these values by informing others of their meaning and importance.
  • To become ethically informed and empowered citizens that are aware of their rights and responsibilities as a child in Sully School and in the wider community!



We are the Community Cadets and our job is to think about how Sully Primary School can become involved in the life of the local community. This could include involvement in community activities or inviting the local community to become involved in the life of the school.

We plan to:

  • Take part in community based activities such as the Penarth Christmas Tree Festival and the Wenvoe Scarecrow Fest;
  • Invite local people into school to work with pupils, for example, through the Falls Project;
  • Visit different groups in the local community to entertain and help others;
  • Develop a close relationship between the school and local community.