Llais Groups (Voice Groups) offer our pupils the opportunity to share their thoughts and opinions on school life. They also give our pupils the chance to become involved in projects that impact the school. These projects may involve the whole school, the wider community, third party organisations and other schools.

Pupils in Years 5 & 6 are given the opportunity to choose which Llais Groups they join. It then becomes their responsibility (alongside a designated member of staff) to ensure that they proactively seek the voices of younger pupils and communicate their thoughts and concerns when appropriate.

There are 5 Llais Groups: Sully Senedd, Lles (Wellbeing), Dysgu (Learning), Cymuned (Community) and Gwyrdd (Eco-council).

Our Llais Groups are organised in the following way:

Sully Senedd

The Sully Senedd is made up of 10 pupils (6 from Year 6, 4 from Year 5).

The Sully Senedd members are elected by their classmates and therefore become their representatives. Within the Senedd a First Minister and Deputy First Minister are elected. The remaining members of the Senedd will all then have responsibility for supporting a Llais Group and ensure that their group’s priorities are communicated upward. The Sully Senedd hold regular meetings with Senior Leaders within the school and are involved in the organising of fundraising activities. They also act as the main conduit for ensuring all pupils’ voices are heard with Sully Primary School.

Grwp Dysgu

This group enables our pupils to:

  • Reflect on what they are learning
  • Reflect on how they are learning
  • Give Feedback on Units of Learning
  • Reflect on our school curriculum
  • Suggest clubs and activities
  • Evaluate and suggest trips and experiences

Grwp Gwyrrd

This group enables our pupils to become involved in:

  • The environment around the school
  • Nature based learning
  • Eco schools award process
  • Recycling and reusing
  • Championing active travel

Grwp Lles

This group will focus on promoting the following within the school:

  • Health and wellbeing
  • Mindfulness
  • Active lifestyles
  • Mental health awareness

Grwp Cymuned

This group will support the role the school play within the community by:

  • Fundraising
  • Collecting donations for community groups
  • Community outreach
  • Organise events within the community