
International Links

Erasmus+ Activities

Growing with Growth Mindset

This project has helped our school to develop resilience and confidence. As a whole school we looked at what having a growth mindset means: we should believe we are capable of achieving anything if we work hard and persevere. We worked with children in schools in Turkey, Portugal and Czech Republic to share ideas, find out about new ways of learning and to learn more about the world around us.

Little Researchers Coding with STEAM project

This project focuses on our approach towards developing our pupil’s Coding education. We have teamed up with Turkey, Romania, and Bulgaria and are sharing our approach to this area of the curriculum. Due to Covid-19, the activities completed to date have all been online. However, it is hoped we will be able to visit our partner countries in the not-too-distant future. In the meantime, our children have been using their analytical thinking and problem-solving skills to produce Fractal Artwork.  To find out more about this project please visit:


‘It’s Time to Talk’

This is a project based around developing our use of international languages. We are working alongside our partner schools in Italy and Portugal to learn more about other languages and become more confident using Italian and Portuguese, as well as developing our Welsh language skills. We were very excited when our partners from Italy and Portugal came to visit our school. During the visit we taught them lots of words and phrases in Welsh, we spent time getting to know each other, and we learnt lots about life in Italy and Portugal. We are now planning our own Year 6 trips to Italy and Portugal where we will take part in Italian and Portuguese language lessons and visit the local area to learn more about life in those countries.

International Explorers

Through our whole school ‘Llais groups’, children have the opportunity to become ‘International Explorers’. Children from year 2 to 6 meet monthly to take part in international projects – previously we have taken part in a Zero Waste project with a school in Nepal. We are looking forward to planning our next exciting venture for 2021-22! Watch this space!

Connecting Classrooms

Tangalle Primary, Sri Lanka

We have been working with Tangalle Primary in Sri Lanka for several years. We have worked together on a variety of projects focusing on different Global Goals. Our projects so far have been about world hunger and human rights and we have created posters, pictures, letters and other joint projects which we have shared with each other in order to improve our literacy, numeracy and communication skills, but also we have learnt more about the wider world.

Swati Sadan School, Kathmandu, Nepal

Our International Explorers Llais Group are working with Swati Sadan School to learn more about how we can reduce waste. We are learning all about the impact of waste on our world and what different countries are doing to tackle this problem. Our research is also helping us to learn more about the issue of plastic in our world. We are enjoying sharing information about our schools with each other through letter writing and video chats and this is helping us to improve our literacy and communication skills.

Modern Foreign Languages in Sully PS

In Sully Primary School  we are Global Citizens who are proactive about learning from, and about, other countries, languages and cultures.  

Every child in Sully PS has the opportunity to learn at least one other Modern Foreign Language in addition to English and Welsh.  

We have close links with China through our Confucius schools programs and the British Council.  Children benefit from a dedicated Chinese language assistant who teaches Mandarin and Chinese culture across the school.

PS2 children learn conversational French through lessons, games and songs, helping them to develop a thirst for linguistic skills going forward in their lives.

PS3 children learn conversational Italian with an external Italian language assistant.