Curriculum Design at Sully Primary School
We have developed a curriculum design model at Sully Primary School. This model guides us through the process of curriculum planning to ensure our learning experiences are focused on developing appropriate skills and knowledge through pupil-influenced experiences.
Four Core Purposes
The Four Core Purposes of the New Curriculum are at the centre of our curriculum. Each term starts with a consideration of which Four Core Purpose will be our focus.
The theme for each class is decided after consultation with our pupils so that learning is pupil-influenced.
Immersion Days
Each theme starts with an Immersion Day designed to spark pupils’ curiosity and interest in the theme.
Following each immersion day pupils are given the opportunity to create some ‘wonderings’ about the theme. These wonderings are the things that pupils would like to find out about the theme and form part of weekly planning in each year group, while focusing closely on skills that need to be taught.
Skills are planned based on current pupil performance and ‘next steps’ for learning. Skills are taken from the Areas of Learning Experiences within the draft Curriculum for Wales and are mapped against existing statutory curriculum documents.
The Welsh and International Dimension
Close attention is paid to ensuring that our curriculum has a sharp focus on teaching pupils about their place in the local community and Wales. We also aim to ensure that pupils understand their place in the wider world. Our curriculum reflects current issues within the local community, Wales and the wider world as we believe that it is important for pupils to become ethically informed citizens.
Achievement Outcomes
Assessment of pupils is ongoing and is based on the Achievement Outcomes in the draft New Curriculum and the Foundation Phase Outcomes and National Curriculum Levels in statutory curriculum documenst.