πŸŽ„πŸŽ„PTA Christmas Cards are Back! πŸŽ„πŸŽ„

Hey folks! It’s that time of year already when the PTA send out Christmas Card design templates to the teachers for our children to design their PTA Christmas cards! (We make no apologies for mentioning the β€œc” word so early – think we could all do with a bit of Christmas cheer right now!!)

The children will be designing these in their classes, to be returned to the PTA for the Wednesday 22nd September deadline.

However…. We are aware that a number of children are off school currently, so may not have the chance to create their Christmas Cards in class. If this is the case, and your child hasn’t already designed a card and you don’t expect them to be back in school before Weds 22nd September, but would like the opportunity for your child to create a design (that can then be put on cards, mugs, tags, bags and wrapping paper for you to buy), then please use this template and return your final design to the school by Wednesday 22nd September.

Please can you return the completed template to school before school pick up on Weds 22nd September.

Please note: To avoid confusion, this is only for children who are currently absent from school and will not have the chance to complete their design in class. Teachers will ensure everyone who is in school before Weds 22nd September get the time to complete their design.

Let’s make this the best year yet for card designs and spread a little bit of festive cheer!
