Dear Parents/Carers,

I wish to remind you of the importance of school attendance and of our commitment to all pupils. We ask all parents to set the highest expectations for attendance for this term and the continuing academic years.

Our target for each child is a minimum of 95.1% attendance for this academic year.

Rewards for good attendance are clear. Pupils are more likely to enjoy school, achieve better results and benefit from increased life chances if their attendance is high. 

Attendance of all pupils (excluding those below statutory school age) is now also taken into account when categorising each school in Wales. It is therefore important to improve on our attendance for the last year which was 92.1%.

May I inform you that if you choose to take your child out of school for a holiday/birthday/visit, then the absence will be recorded as ‘unauthorised’. Please complete the Absence Form available from the school office or downloadable from this website, and return it to school at least seven days before the proposed absence.  It is vital that you inform the school that your child will be away, as the safety of our pupils is of the utmost importance to us and time is spent establishing the whereabouts of children absent without reason.

The Governing Body is aware that schools now have the capacity to issue Fixed Penalty Notices and whilst this would not be a preferred course of action the Governing Body, in consultation with the Headteacher, would consider this in exceptional circumstances. Please also note that you should not expect your child’s teacher to provide you with work if you take your child out of school.

If your child’s attendance falls below 90% we will inform you by letter and invite you into school for a meeting to discuss this.

Thank you for your continued support.

Mrs A Waddington
