Additional Learning Needs
Sully Primary School is an inclusive school where all staff are committed to the success of every pupil.
All children are valued, respected and welcomed to our school, whatever their additional educational needs may be. We support children’s learning and aim to ensure they are fully included in all school activities.
The school has regard to the Additional Learning Needs Code of Practice. Children have additional learning needs if they are experiencing anything which could act as a barrier to learning. This could be environmental, emotional, social, neurological, physical or medical. The key test for action is evidence that a child’s current rate of progress is inadequate as stated in the Code. Early identification is important as it means the child’s difficulties can be addressed as soon as possible, thereby enabling him/her to access the curriculum successfully.
Our Additional Learning Needs Policy gives information to parents, teachers and Governors about the way individual pupils can be helped.
Our link governor for ALN is Vikki Evans, who can be contacted through the school office.
A detailed information booklet has been produced by the five local authorities who work together in the Central South region. It contains information, advice and guidance and can be found here.
The Index is for families who have children age 0-18 years, who have a disability or additional need
and live in the Vale of Glamorgan. Click here for more information.
Getting Support – A step-by-step guide
For children – ‘Do you understand what the teacher is asking?’
For children and parents – ‘Not happy with the support you are getting at school?’
The following links may also be useful:
The ALN section of the Vale of Glamorgan Council’s website.
Flowchart describing the school process for identifying and supporting ALN.
The Local Authority process for identifying and supporting ALN.
The Local Authority process for reconsidering decisions.
If you are unhappy with the support you are receiving at school
For further information or advice, please contact our Additional Learning Needs Co-ordinator (ALNCo) Miss S Harries.